Relax into Stretch: Instant Flexibility Through Mastering Muscle Tension Book by Pavel Tsatsouline (Preowned)
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Conventional stretching attempts to literally elongate your tissues, which is dangerous and ineffective. Relax into Stretch simply teaches your muscles to relax into a stretch. If you compare traditional training to a messy hardware reorganization, then Relax into Stretch is an efficient software upgrade.While stretching tissues may take years, changes in the nervous system are immediate! Your muscles will start noticeably elongating from your first Relax into Stretch practice-and within months you will have achieved a level of flexibility uncommon in our species.-Pavel Tsatsouline. Own an illustrated guide to the thirty-six most effective techniques for super-flexibility. How the secret of mastering your emotions can add immediate inches to your stretch. How to wait out your tension-the surprising key to greater mobility and a better stretch. How to fool your reflexes into giving you all the stretch you want. Why contract-relax stretching is 267% more effective than conventional relaxed stretching. How to breathe your way to greater flexibility. Using the Russian technique of Forced Relaxation as your ultimate stretching weapon. How to stretch when injured-faster, safer ways to heal. Young, old, male, female-learn what stretches are best for you and what stretches to avoid. Why excessive flexibility can be detrimental to athletic performance-and how to determine your real flexibility needs.Plateau-busting strategies for the chronically inflexible.
About the Author
Pavel Tsatsouline, is a former Soviet Special Forces physical training instructor, who helped Dragon Door Publications initiate the modern kettlebell movement. Pavel is regarded as one of the premier strength authorities in the world today, having created the first-ever kettlebell instructor certification system and being the author of the first-ever book on the subject of kettlebell training.
Length: 138 pages
Printed in 2010