Real Combat Internal Martial Arts DVD 1 by Su Dongcheng
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The essence of tradition that shows its true value in actual combat.
Su Dongcheng's consistent techniques are revealed.
Forms for demonstrations, techniques for winning matches... you can't survive with those!
Strength in actual combat means not cutting, not letting your opponent hit, and not letting your opponent throw.
The essence of traditional martial arts honed in countless actual combat - that is Su Dongcheng's consistent techniques.
"Su Dongcheng's Practical Internal Martial Arts Vol.1" introduces the cross techniques that deal with striking from among Su's consistent techniques.
With plenty of examples and detailed explanations, the mechanism of the ultimate technique is revealed.
~ Practical techniques for not letting your opponent grab or throw you
・What is actual combat?・Examples of cross techniques...Examples of how to respond to strikes and slashing attacks
・Principles and rules of cross techniques...Detailed explanations of each example of cross techniques
・Xingyiquan routines...Includes Zhengxingquan and Snakexingquan
・Examples of routines in practice...The essence of tradition is brought back to life in real combat!
Instruction: Su Dongcheng
Born in Taipei in 1953. Started training in internal martial arts including Xingyiquan at the age of 14. At the age of 16, he was the runner-up in the 1st Taipei City National Martial Arts Open Tournament (Lui-tai). The following year, he won the same tournament. He is called the "prodigy of Lui-tai." Since then, he has devoted himself to studying martial arts and engaging in countless actual combats. In 1973, he moved to Japan. In 1998, he established ESSENCE OF EVOLUTION to spread the essence of martial arts that is connected to universal movement theory. He is active in countries around the world, including Japan, Taiwan, the United States, and France.