Real Chinese Martial Arts DVD 1 by Tamotsu Miyahira
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Mastering the Body and Movements that Work!
The True Power of Traditional Chinese Martial Arts!
Not for performance, not for sanda competition—this is the true combat effectiveness of Chinese martial arts.
It is not about style or school, but about listening to your opponent’s movements and executing continuous strikes (打), throws (摔), and joint locks (拿).
The ultimate goal is to forget the techniques in your mind and express offense and defense through unconscious body movements.
In this two-volume DVD, Tamotsu Miyahira, the first foreigner to receive Chinese national certification as a martial arts instructor, will thoroughly guide you through this combat philosophy and its techniques.
In Volume 1, Miyahira focuses on basic skills, leg techniques, hand techniques, and exercises designed to develop the foundational body mechanics and movements essential to Chinese martial arts.
Basic Techniques — The Gateway to Profound Skills
Leg Conditioning — Building a Flexible Body
(Pressure Leg Exercises: Forward Pressure, Side Pressure, Stretching Forward, Back Stretching, Side Stretching, Splits, Sitting Posture, Back Stretching) -
Shoulder Conditioning — Softening the Shoulders
(Increasing Range of Motion: Behind, Center, and Below) -
Arm Circles — Learning to Relax
(Forward, Backward, Cross-Body, Side-to-Side, Downward Strikes) -
Relaxation Training
(Releasing Tension in Arms and Body, Weight Control, Testing Power in Strikes) -
Application to Striking
(Inside/Outside Palm Strikes, Downward Palm Strikes)
Leg Conditioning — Building a Flexible Body
Basic Leg Techniques — Mastering the Legs
Kicking with Straight Legs (5 Variations)
(Front Kick, Side Kick, Outside Crescent Kick, Inside Crescent Kick, Combination Kick) -
Kicking from a Bent Knee (4 Variations)
(Side Kick, Spring Kick, Heel Kick, Low Foot Kick) -
Kicks while Spinning (3 Variations)
(Hook Kick, Forward Sweep Kick, Back Sweep Kick) -
Jumping Kicks (4 Variations)
(Flying Kick, Spinning Kick, Outside Spinning Kick, Double Flying Kick) -
Leg Training Methods
(Crescent Kick Practice, Spring Kick/Heel Kick/Hook Kick, Internal/External Power Techniques) -
Leg Technique Application
(Side Kick, Spring Kick, Heel Kick, Low Foot Kick, Hook Kick, Sweep Kicks, Chinese Martial Arts’ Characteristics of Leg Techniques)
Kicking with Straight Legs (5 Variations)
Chong Quan (Thrusting Fist) — The Power of Spirals
Training for Chong Quan
(Understanding Weight Transfer, Learning Movement, Mastering Power, Support Training)
Training for Chong Quan
Other Striking Techniques — Diverse and Powerful Strikes (Whip Palm Strike, Back Fist, Straight Punch, Downward Strikes, Horizontal Strike, Hook Punch, Palm Strike Techniques in Chinese Martial Arts)
Instructor: Tamotsu Miyahira
Born in Okinawa, 1964. Miyahira began training in Okinawan traditional karate at age 10. At 20, he studied martial arts at the Wuhan Institute of Physical Education in China. He trained under the esteemed Master Wen Jingming and, after five years, became the first foreigner to receive Chinese national certification as a martial arts instructor. Upon returning to Okinawa, he founded the Tenxingjian Chinese Martial Arts School and continues to teach traditional Chinese martial arts, often collaborating with other martial arts disciplines.