Qigong for Health: Joint Rehabilitation MASTER YANG LIVE DVD with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming
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Recently, Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming offered online qigong classes by popular demand for a small group of private students around the world. This video presents his latest teaching about “meridian extremities qigong” to the wider public for the first time. This is the closest most people will get to meeting Master Yang in person.
A deeper conversation about joint pain relief
Modern science shows that qigong exercise is good medicine for maintaining health and longevity. In this candid and personal video, Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming teaches us how qigong can benefit the joints and can provide natural joint pain relief.
He explains human anatomy and the structure of the joints, and the different approaches of Western and Eastern medicine for preventing and treating joint problems, including more serious ailments such as arthritis and gout. He shares his personal experiences with joint pain and how he has healed his own joint problems over the years.
Dr. Yang explains methods of joint rehabilitation qigong, including:
- Three Stages of Healing
- Exercises for the Upper, Middle and Lower Body
- How to Heal Injuries and Common Ailments
Dr. Yang explains his personal ways of caring for the joints and demonstrates a variety of easy-to-follow qigong exercises that are especially effective for maintaining healthy joints and relieving pain.
- Introduction
- Spine and Neck
- Arms and Hands
- Q & A Upper Body
- Upper Body Review
- Qigong Theory
- Legs
- Q & A : Conclusion
2 hours and 50 minutes
Languages: English