Push Hands Training Secrets DVD 1 by Guo Fuhou
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The best Tui Shou instruction series that explains the basic principles of Tui Shou and the movements and theories according to the level!
The first and best Tui Shou instruction video in Japan that explains the basic principles of Tui Shou and the movements and theories according to the level.
Basic principles of Tui Shou techniques
・Shaki Suiren, starting from the back, not using force
Single Tui Shou
・Ping Yen ・Li Yen ・Change Hands, Change Steps
Instruction and performance ◎ Guo Fuhou
Born in Shandong Province in 1923. He studied under Li Yulin, a direct disciple of Sun Lutang. In 1957, he won the gold medal in Tai Chi at the National Martial Arts Observation Tournament. In 1958, he was the champion in two events, Tai Chi and Tai Chi Sword, at the National Martial Arts Athletic Meet. He is well versed in Tai Chi (Yang style, Sun style), Wudang Sword, Baguazhang, Xingyiquan, and other techniques. He is also skilled in Tui Shou and has a deep knowledge of the theories of various Tai Chi and internal martial arts. He is currently an Honorary Committee Member of the China Martial Arts Association. He has also been invited to Japan, where his instruction and demonstrations have been well received.