Periosteum Stretching Course DVD by Yuji Uchida
Periosteum Stretching Course DVD by Yuji Uchida

Periosteum Stretching Course DVD by Yuji Uchida

通常価格 $39.95 USD
通常価格 $59.95 USD セールスプライス $39.95 USD


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Uchida Yuji's Periosteum Stretching Course: Methods for Creating a Body That Can Move from Its Core

"Moving from the periosteum beyond the fascia!"

Change is guaranteed through our 3-step approach:

  1. Massage
  2. Stretching
  3. Exercise

The causes of pain, discomfort, and low performance are movement imbalances stemming from chronic muscle nodules (muscle stiffness/tension). We'll create a supple, balanced body that can "move from the periosteum" beyond the fascia through massages that thoroughly relax muscle nodules and carefully selected stretches and exercises for key areas.

Course Contents:

■ What is Periosteum Stretching

  • Introduction
  • Mechanism and effects

■ 1) Assessment: Checking Movement Ease

  • Side bending
  • Forward bending
  • Backward bending
  • Rotation

■ 2) Massage Section

  • ① Adductor muscles: Improve lower body mobility
  • ② Gluteal muscles: Prevent lower back pain
  • ③ Pectoral muscles: Prevent rounded shoulders and hunched back
  • ④ Latissimus dorsi: Improve upper body mobility
  • ⑤ Diaphragm/Oblique abdominals: Releasing the abdominal area

■ 3) Stretching Section

  • ① Adductor muscles
  • ② Gluteal muscles
  • ③ Pectoral muscles
  • ④ Latissimus dorsi
  • ⑤ Diaphragm/Oblique abdominals

■ 4) Exercise Section

  • ① Squats
  • ② Air push-ups
  • ③ Arm flutters
  • ④ Pendulum kicks
  • ⑤ Deep breathing
  • ⑥ Side bending exercise

■ 5) Reassessment: Checking Movement Ease

  • Side bending
  • Forward bending
  • Backward bending
  • Rotation

Instructor Profile: Uchida Yuji Licensed judo therapist. An up-and-coming therapist currently gaining attention with over 230,000 Instagram followers. As a "traveling bodyworker" without a fixed clinic, he has treated over 10,000 people while traveling to various locations.

Language: Japanese

Run time: 41 min.


PRESALE ITEM: Expected ship date: Early April 2025.

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