No Holds Barred Fighting: Takedowns: Throws, Trips, Drops and Slams for NHB Competition and Street Defense Book by Mark Hatmaker
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This fourth No Holds Barred Fighting training manual contains all fighters need to know about the art of takedowns, or "shooting," and how to counter takedown tactics used by an opponent. Readers learn to see it from both sides with offensive and defensive stances, footwork, setups, and shooting techniques. Several variations of the most commonly employed shots are featured—double leg takedowns, single leg takedowns, snatch singles, and low singles—as well as counters for each. Hundreds of sequential photos illustrate the steps, grips, and angles of every move, and takedowns are included for use inside the inevitable clinch. Sections on drills and chains, as well as a list of resources for further practice, round out the text.
1 Shooting range,
2 Shooting stances,
3 Shooting footwork,
4 Old school leg dives,
5 Handles,
6 Setups,
7 Double-leg takedowns,
7.1 Double-leg takedown counters,
8 Single-leg takedowns,
8.1 Single-leg takedown counters,
9 Low single-leg takedowns,
9.1 Low single-leg takedown counters,
10 Arm drag drops,
10.1 Arm drag counters,
11 Collar and elbow tie-up offense,
11.1 Collar and elbow tie-up defense,
Mark Hatmaker has 23 years of experience in the martial arts as well as boxing, wrestling, and Jiujitsu. He has produced several instructional videos, including Escape from Impossible Holds, Brutal Submissions, and Guard Submissions. He lives in Knoxville, Tennessee.
192 pages