Ninja Sword: Art of Silent Kenjutsu Book by Katsumi Toda (Preowned)
Ninja Sword: Art of Silent Kenjutsu Book by Katsumi Toda (Preowned)

Ninja Sword: Art of Silent Kenjutsu Book by Katsumi Toda (Preowned)

通常価格 $59.00 USD
通常価格 セールスプライス $59.00 USD


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From the time that Ninjutsu was evolved during the reign of Prince Shotoku Taishi in the 7th century AD the Ninja or Shinobi as they were originally called, became expert at fighting with the weapons for which they are best known, the Kama, Shuriken, Kaginawa and Manrikigusari.

This expertise did not lessen the need for a strong sword arm and the Ninja therefore, as well as the Samurai they fought with, and against, trained hard to make themselves invincible with the beautiful but deadly Japanese sword.

Ninja Sword - Art of Silent Keniutsu contains much material only previously available to martial arts historians. and very senior exponents of the ancient art of Ninjutsu. As such it offers the reader a fascinating glimpse of the "Kage No Gundan" Japan's army of Shadow Warriors, their methods and their way of life.

Publication date: 1986

129 pages

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