Ninja Death Vow Book by Katsumi Toda (Preowned)
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As sales of "Shadow of the Ninja" and "Revenge of the Shogun's Ninja" continue to soar, martial arts historian Katsumi Toda, presents the third part of the saga of the Tomokatsu Ninja and their enemies, the Kuroda Samurai. Set against the background of the U.S. Navy's incursion into Japanese waters just over a century ago to break down the barriers of isolation that had existed since 1600, it is a fast moving tale of revenge and treachery. When the Americans threaten to return at a later date and complete their mission, forces who wish to maintain the old system, let loose the power of Ninjutsu to aid their cause, and death and destruction stalk the land. Toda's fast moving style makes the reader feel part of the story; just a page or two into the first chapter, and one can imagine standing on the deck of Commodore Mathew Perry's ship "Mississippi" as the Stars and Stripes fly for the first time over the Japanese waters of Uraga Bay.
Publication date: 1998
130 pages