Neko Ryu Goshin Jitsu: Exploring it's Principles Book by Mel Clark
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Many martial artists interested in Neko Ryu don't understand how to apply its principles.
The Six core Principles of Neko Ryu were presented in Book One, "Neko Ryu Goshin Jitsu: Principles to Improve Your Life".
"Neko Ryu Goshin Jitsu: Exploring its Principles", presents the principles and strategies in plain language with links to teaching videos. It also explores additional foundational principles, strategies for achieving kuzushi, and for applying force.
Along the way, you'll discover the great depth of meaning in the term Non-Resistance (the heart of Neko Ryu) and in this quote from Professor Cates, "Without resistance, there is no strength."
If you've taken a Neko Ryu class or seminar "Exploring its Principles" will raise your understanding of Neko Ryu to a higher level. If you haven't been exposed to the teachings of Neko Ryu - well, better late than never.
Applying the principles and strategies of Neko Ryu Goshin Jitsu will serve you well on the mat and in life. Buy it today and see.
Length: 300 pages
Publication date: 2020