Must Win Tactics DVD by Roksanda Atanasov
$39.95 USD
$59.00 USD
$39.95 USD
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Produced two Olympic gold medallists!
The stongest and latest techniques has been revealed!
- Contents
- Introduction
- Footwork with Obi
·Footwork with Obi 1 Quick switches keep Maai (spacing)
·Footwork with Obi 2 Attack immediately after avoiding Obi.
·Methods of movement to maintain proper Maai (spacing)
·Footwork with Obi 3 Determining when to attack
·Footwork with Obi 4 Avoiding Obi attacks
·Footwork with Obi 5 Touch the opponent while avoiding Obi attacks
·Footwork with Obi 6 Strong and complete Waza while avoiding Obi attacks - Controlling Maai (spacing)
·Putting strong feelings out into Waza
·Attack while controlling Maai (spacing) - World dominating while and step work
Set up with back to side step work (in mirror stance) - World top-level techniques
·World top-level techniques 1 Three ways into
1) Feinting of the opponent to get in
2) In the moment your opponent moves sideways -> Kizami-zuki
3) After Kizami-zuki, in when the opponent moves opposit -> Mawashi-geri
·World top-level techniques 2 Kizami-zuki from Yoko-geri or Ashibarai
·World top-level techniques 3 Chudan-zukiI feints -> Jodan-zuki off the line
·World top-level techniques 4 1 vs 5 random attack exercise in all directions - Coach Dragan’s Nage (throwing) techniques
·Nage (throwing) techniques 1 Mow lightly in steps 1, 2 and 3
·Nage (throwing) techniques 2 Double try with left and right leg
·Nage (throwing) techniques 3 In case of mirrors
·Nage (throwing) techniques 4 Ashibarai - Message from Coach Roksanda
Language: Japanese & English
Run Time: 61 min.