Mastering the Martial Arts Body: Weight Transfer & Footwork DVD by Akira Hino
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Straightforward Questions Answered Head-On by Akira Hino
Through thorough questioning, the "answers" to martial arts are revealed:
- How do you control multiple opponents with varying strength and body weight?
- What are your thoughts on Aiki-age (rising techniques)?
What’s the difference in how force is transmitted using a wooden sword versus a flexible staff?
And more.
Despite being 76 years old this year and having a slim physique that falls below the average in both weight and height, Akira Hino, the master, never shows any signs of aging. He continues to captivate martial artists, athletes, and dancers alike with techniques that transcend the limits of physicality and age.
In an attempt to thoroughly uncover the essence of his seemingly "ageless power", a series of persistent questions were asked, covering topics that would typically never be addressed in public.
- The Basics of Weight Shifting
- Weight Shifting Practice 1: Forward Unbalancing
- Weight Shifting Practice 2: Lateral Unbalancing
- Weight Shifting Practice 3: Vertical Unbalancing
- Weight Shifting Practice 4: Using Tools for Unbalancing
- Weight Shifting Practice 5: Moving Steps
- The Importance of the Sternum
Instruction: Akira Hino Born in 1948, Akira Hino founded the Hino Martial Arts Institute in the 1990s with a focus on exploring the fundamental nature and training methods of martial arts. His approach extends beyond traditional martial arts, as he has collaborated with renowned choreographer William Forsythe in the realm of dance, integrating martial arts principles into movement education. Hino Sensei conducts martial arts workshops across Japan, including Tokyo and Osaka, as well as internationally, based in France. He also hosts "Meikyou Juku" seminars tailored for medical professionals.
Language: Japanese
Length: 1 hour & 5 min.