Mastering the Martial Arts Body: Weight Transfer & Footwork DVD by Akira Hino
Mastering the Martial Arts Body: Weight Transfer & Footwork DVD by Akira Hino

Mastering the Martial Arts Body: Weight Transfer & Footwork DVD by Akira Hino

通常価格 $39.95 USD
通常価格 $59.95 USD セールスプライス $39.95 USD


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Akira Hino provides candid, straightforward answers to bold questions.

Through an intensive Q&A format, the essence of martial arts emerges clearly.

  • How does he control multiple opponents of different strength and weight?
  • What are his views on “Aiki-age”?
  • How does force transmission differ between a wooden sword and a flexible stick? And more.

Despite a light frame and being 76 years old, Hino exudes exceptional technique and "unfading strength," captivating martial artists, athletes, and dancers alike. This book reveals the secrets behind his skills through in-depth explanations and questions rarely addressed openly.


  • Fundamentals of Weight Transfer
  • Training Weight Transfer (Parts 1–5)
  • The Importance of the Sternum

Instruction by Akira Hino (Hino Budo Research Institute)
Born in 1948, Akira Hino founded Hino Budo Research Institute to explore the essence and training of martial arts. He has collaborated with world-renowned choreographer William Forsythe, teaching martial principles to dancers, and conducts workshops in Japan and internationally.

Language: Japanese

Length: 65 min.


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Florida Budo
Akira Hino Sensei

Akira Hino Sensei’s video is a masterclass in effortless yet powerful movement, showcasing his deep understanding of body mechanics and internal structure. His ability to generate force through relaxation and precise alignment makes his techniques both mesmerizing and highly effective. Whether you’re a martial artist or simply interested in refined movement, this video offers invaluable insights into efficiency, connection, and adaptability.