Mastering the Front Kick DVD by Yuji Shimamoto
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The First-Ever Grand Slam Champion Reveals Cutting-Edge Combat Techniques!
Yuji Shimamoto, who has battled and triumphed over the world's toughest opponents, unveils his combat techniques. Central to his strategy is his lethal front kick, which has helped him control the pace against various types of fighters. This comprehensive guide details the nuances of his front kick usage, distance management, opponent destabilization, and counter techniques. Additionally, Shimamoto provides commentary on eight of his memorial matches leading up to his Grand Slam achievement, tracing his journey to becoming the strongest champion.
Front Kick
- Key Points for Kicking with the Back Foot
- Key Points for Kicking with the Front Foot
- Managing Close and Far Distances
- Front Kick from Footwork
- Solo Footwork Practice
Front Kick Combinations
- Warm-Up
- Follow-Up Punch from the Front Leg
- Inner Thigh Kick to Front Kick
- Reverse Punch to Front Kick with the Front Leg
- Middle Front Kick to High Roundhouse Kick
Creating Distance
- Creating Distance with Knee Strikes
- Creating Distance with Elbow Strikes
- Front Kick from a Far Distance 1
- Front Kick from a Far Distance 2
- Closing the Distance Against an Opponent Using Footwork
Counter Techniques
- Reverse Punch Against Low Roundhouse Kick
- Front Kick Against Low Roundhouse Kick
- Follow-Up Punch Against Low Roundhouse Kick
- Reverse Punch Against Inner Thigh Kick
- Front Kick Against Punch
- Low Roundhouse Kick Against Punch
- Knee Kick Against Punch
Destabilization Techniques
- Destabilizing with Reverse Punch
- Destabilizing with Follow-Up Punch
- Destabilizing Against High Roundhouse Kick 1
- Destabilizing Against High Roundhouse Kick 2
- Destabilizing Low Roundhouse Kick with Front Kick
Combat Commentary
- 2011: 28th All Japan Weight Category Tournament Heavyweight Final vs. Daito Watanabe
- 2011: 5th Round of the 10th World Tournament vs. Valeri Dimitrov
- 2012: Final of the 44th All Japan Tournament vs. Kazufumi Shimamoto
- 2013: Quarterfinal of the 5th Karate World Cup Heavyweight vs. Kunihiro Suzuki
- 2013: Semifinal of the 5th Karate World Cup Heavyweight vs. Lukas Kubilius
- 2015: Semifinal of the 11th World Tournament vs. Lukas Kubilius
- 2015: Final of the 11th World Tournament vs. Kenmu Iriki
- 2017: Final of the 6th World Weight Category Tournament Heavyweight vs. Kenmu Iriki
Featured Practitioner
- Yuji Shimamoto: Born January 23, 1990, in Hiroshima Prefecture. Winner of the 44th, 46th, and 49th All Japan Tournaments. Heavyweight champion of the 28th and 29th All Japan Weight Category Tournaments. Champion of the 11th World Tournament. Heavyweight champion of the 6th World Weight Category Tournament. Yuji Shimamoto is the first in Shin Kyokushinkai history to achieve a Grand Slam by winning all four major tournaments: the World Tournament, World Weight Category Tournament, All Japan Tournament, and All Japan Weight Category Tournament, making him a distinguished representative of the new era.
Language: Japanese
Run time: 97 min.