Mastering the Art of Tong Bei: High Speed Sparring DVD by Wataru Arai
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Specialize in singular techniques with a focus on Sante (*). Explore the intricacies of each technique and master the art of Sante, applicable to both promised and free-style Kumite.
Uncover the essence of Chinese martial arts, seamlessly brought to Japan, through dedicated training aimed at refining personal combat skills. Answering the curiosity surrounding individual combat, Sensei Wataru Arai generously presents Kishi Tsuseken's teachings on DVD.
Experience the philosophy of "single master" encapsulated in the teachings of Tsuseken, aiming to embody the philosophy of "vulnerability (Tsui*2)." Delve into a comprehensive training system and fighting techniques explained in a straightforward manner.
(*1) Tsuseken, a martial art created by Qi Taichang and significantly enhanced by Shukenchi, is renowned for its high practicality.
(*2) Tsui refers to the moment a glass cup breaks when dropped, symbolizing the philosophy embraced by Tsuseken.
Language: Japanese
Run Time: 53 min.