Mastering the Art of Budo Karate Infighting DVD by Masahiro Yanagawa
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Discover the true prowess of Yanagawa Karate, rooted in the art of close combat. Master the art of "handling your feet without getting stuck" and honing "an eye for observation" to position yourself on the winning side.
Traditionally, infighting and outboxing were viewed as distinct tactics, influenced by the nuances of different match formats. Consider the analogy of a match between a spear and a tachi, where the difference in reach becomes apparent. However, dismissing the concept of "Issun Temasari" (favoring longer arms) as merely an amateur idea oversimplifies the martial arts perspective. Delving into the essence of combat, we recognize that those adept at executing the "autumn body" – showcasing exceptional foot handling and visual perception – gain a significant advantage by evading the initial strikes of opponents with extended reach. Allow (Masahiro Yanagawa) to guide you through these insights and elevate your martial arts expertise.
Language: Japanese
Run Time: 1 Hour, 14 min.