Learn Shinkage Ryu by Watching Book & DVD by Masao Oyama
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Chapter 1 What is Iaido?
Chapter 2 Effects of Iaido style training
Chapter 3: Acquire knowledge about Japanese swords
Chapter 4: The history of Shinkage-ryu - its birth and the famous swordsmen of Yagyu who have passed down the techniques
Chapter 5 Practical skills of Shinkage-ryu Iaido
Chapter 6 Application to Taijutsu - Bare-handed techniques utilizing Shinkage-ryu Iaido
Author introduction
Born in Shiga Prefecture in 1971. He completed graduate school at Chuo University. Under the influence of his grandfather, who was a martial artist, he learned martial arts such as Kendo and Judo from an early age. While serving as the captain of the Iaido club at Chuo University, he encountered Shinkage-ryu martial arts, trained in that way, and received his seal. In 2003, the Shinkage-ryu Keikokai Headquarters was established in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and the Yokohama Branch was established two years later, and is currently instructing a large number of members.
Language: Japanese
Length: 192 pages
Published in 2005