Kyusho Pyramid DVD 3 with Mark Kline
Kyusho Pyramid DVD 3 with Mark Kline
Kyusho Pyramid DVD 3 with Mark Kline
Kyusho Pyramid DVD 3 with Mark Kline

Kyusho Pyramid DVD 3 with Mark Kline

通常価格 $26.95 USD
通常価格 $29.00 USD セールスプライス $26.95 USD
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In this new work, the third in the Kyusho Pyramid series, GM Kline provides an in-depth look at the control of our center, the first of the 10 principles on which the Pin-Point method is based. We will see the reason for keeping the neutral spine, the exercises to achieve this, its practice in movement, and the application to self-defense, on pressure points on the arm and on the head.

Kyusho Jitsu is not an Art in itself but an advanced part of each Martial Art; the principles that Grandmaster Mark Kline specifies in 3 videos will certainly help you increase the effectiveness of your martial discipline. Master Kline's apprenticeship with teachers such as George Dillman, Wally Jay and Remy Presas, among others, was immeasurable for his understanding of self-defense with or without weapons, through the strategies and concepts that he has coded in order to help us increase our efficiency, regardless of the style or training time. 

The PinPoint ® method is a strategic and tactical pressure points methodology, easy to learn and quick to implement. The 3 DVDs that make up this series, present the 10 steps that will increase the effectiveness of any Martial Art:

VOL.3: Principle 1 Neutral Spine, Exercises, In Motion, Self Defense Head Point, Arm Point

Languages: English, Español, Italiano, Français

Length: 47 min.

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