Kyudo Basics & How to Improve Book by Jun Fukuro & Hiromitsu Kase
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We explain the basics of archery and how to improve it for instructors.
In this book, we focused on the following points:
■Collaboration with many national champions and experienced coaches from prestigious Ritsumeikan University and Hosei University in East and West.
■The shooting technique is modeled after world championship winner Shirenshi Yoshida, 5th Dan.
■Detailed explanation of basic knowledge, shooting techniques, etiquette, and correction of shooting habits
■Reports from the field that are useful for practice, such as how to shoot with a monkey arm, how to deal with haste and get-up, how to prepare for a match, etc.
■Large-sized photos and diagrams taken from various angles explain a lot of knowledge in an easy-to-understand manner
In archery, the basic goal is to hit the target straight.
Learn from an appropriate instructor, read archery textbooks and commentaries,
The most important thing is to put this knowledge to use in practice, such as during rehearsals, matches, and judging.
Please use this as a basic book for club activities and guidance for each club activity.
Language: Japanese.
208 page book
Published in 2016