Kung Fu Classical Martial Arts Taiji Xingyi 12 DVD Set by Chu Guiting
$299.00 USD
$399.00 USD
$299.00 USD
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Brief Introduction to Yang-style Simplified Taichiquan Exercise (2 DVDs)
Brief Introduction to Deflecting Movement in Yang-style Taichiquan Push-hands Exercise (2 DVDs)
Brief Introduction to Yang-style Taichi Broadsword (2 DVDs)
Brief Introduction to Wudang Duel Swordplay
Brief Introduction to Will-and-Form Wuxing Fist and Will-and-Form Wuxing Sword
Brief Introduction to Wuxing Interlinked Fist and Wuxing Counterattack
Brief Introduction to Will-and-Form Eight-Stance Fist
Brief Introduction to Will-and-Form Twelve Pounds
Brief Introduction to Will-and-Form Miscellaneous Pounds
Language: Chinese with English subtitles
Brief Introduction to Yang-style Simplified Taichiquan Exercise (2 DVDs)
Brief Introduction to Deflecting Movement in Yang-style Taichiquan Push-hands Exercise (2 DVDs)
Brief Introduction to Yang-style Taichi Broadsword (2 DVDs)
Brief Introduction to Wudang Duel Swordplay
Brief Introduction to Will-and-Form Wuxing Fist and Will-and-Form Wuxing Sword
Brief Introduction to Wuxing Interlinked Fist and Wuxing Counterattack
Brief Introduction to Will-and-Form Eight-Stance Fist
Brief Introduction to Will-and-Form Twelve Pounds
Brief Introduction to Will-and-Form Miscellaneous Pounds
Language: Chinese with English subtitles