Krav Maga Self-Defense Techniques DVD with Avi Nardia
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Can You Protect Your Loved Ones?
Ultra-Practical Seminar Learning from Global VIP Protection Techniques This is not training or competition, but a course on protecting yourself from everyday dangers. We've recorded a valuable Japanese seminar by Master Avi Nardia, a world-renowned expert in Krav Maga self-defense combat techniques. Based on techniques developed by global VIP protection agencies, you will learn methods to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Lecture Section
- [Negotiation as the First Line of Defense]
- [The More You Avoid, the More You Win]
- [Becoming a Shield Against Danger]
- [Understanding Risks and Advance Preparation]
- [Three Circles of VIP Protection]
- [Communication and Mindset]
- [Advance Planning and Legal Considerations]
- [Principles and Rules for Not Losing]
- [Not Being Confined by Tactics]
- [Not Letting Your Guard Down Easily]
Practical Techniques Section
- [Learning from Limitations]
- [Revolving Door Movement ①]
- [Revolving Door Movement ②]
- [Revolving Door Movement ③]
- [Escorting in Crowds]
- [Accompanying a VIP with Two People]
- [Escorting in Busy Areas]
- [Guarding with an Umbrella]
- [Removing the Source of Problems]
- [Eye Contact, Hand Positioning, and Distance]
- [Practical Restraint Techniques]
- [Protecting VIPs from Attacks]
Instructor: Avi Nardia An expert in self-defense who provides training to Israeli special forces and elite protection agencies worldwide. He has played an important role in the development of Krav Maga and is respected as a "master of self-defense" due to his deep knowledge and experience.
Cooperation/Supervision: MagaGYM Japan's largest Krav Maga gym with locations in Roppongi, Akasaka, and other areas. In addition to Krav Maga, they offer various martial arts programs including kickboxing and grappling.
Language: Japanese
Run time: 1 hour & 7 min.
This is a presale item and is expected to ship early April.