Krav Maga Personal Protection: The Israeli Method of Close-Quarters Fighting Combat 6 DVD Set with Alain Cohen (Preowned)
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Krav Maga Personal Protection is a fantastic six DVD set that spans six belt levels (from yellow to black), covering punches, strikes, kicks from the guards, 360-degree defense tactics, gun defenses, improvised weapons, falls, rolls, grab counters, sweeps, throws, chokes, working in the guard, joint locks, knife defenses, kicks, third-party protection, grenade disarms, the Z lock, tai sabaki, police locks, vital-point attacks and real-world scenario simulations. Alain Cohen, former Israeli Defense Forces member and founder of the Israeli Defense System Federation, teaches you the hard-hitting techniques that he's shared with hundreds of security professionals and krav maga instructors worldwide.
This release is a fantastic 6 DVD set that spans 6 belt levels (yellow to black), covering punches, strikes, kicks from the guards, 360-degree defense tactics, gun defenses, improvised weapons, falls, rolls, grab counters, sweeps, throws, chokes.
Length: 3 hours & 57 min on 6 DVDs