KODO Ancient Ways: Lessons in the Spiritual Life of the Warrior/Martial Artist Book by Kensho Furuya (Preowned)
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A compilation of columns that appeared between 1988 and 1995 in Martial Arts Training magazine. In this ever-changing world, traditions are often being cast aside as people search for novelty and progress. The 41 essays in this book are inspired by the teachings and wisdom of the ancients who devoted their lives to instruct others. Their ideas are preserved in this volume to inspire and guide readers in training and in life for years to come.
About the author:
Kensho Furuya was the resident chief instructor of the Aikido Center of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Sword & Swordmanship Society Kenshinkai, and he currently holds the ranks of sixth dan in iaido and sixth dan from the Aikido World Headquarters. In 1989, he was ordained as a Zen priest under the Most Reverend Bishop Kenko Yamashita of the North American Headquarters of Soto Zen Buddhism.
224 pages