Ki Training Techniques DVD by Yonen Mori

Ki Training Techniques DVD by Yonen Mori

通常価格 $49.95 USD
通常価格 $59.95 USD セールスプライス $49.95 USD


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Ki Training Techniques: Introducing Ki and Blood Circulation Methods Developed by Yōnen Mori, Based on Martial Arts Medicine and Traditional Eastern Medicine

The Ki Training Techniques featured in this video were developed by Yōnen Mori based on the martial arts medicine of Soichi Minouchi and traditional Eastern medicine. The focus of these techniques is to enhance the circulation of ki (energy) and blood in the body, creating a more ideal martial arts physique and effective techniques.

Unlike many practices that emphasize the use of ki to physically throw or harm an opponent, this method focuses on cultivating the flow of ki throughout the body and enhancing martial arts movements. The core principles include not touching, harming, or blocking the opponent’s breath or movement, while still aiming to strengthen the practitioner’s own internal energy and skill.

This unique system helps to build the ideal martial arts body by training the flow of energy and utilizing various breathing, movement, and therapeutic techniques.

Training Techniques Featured:

  • Body Lubrication Method (Juntaifu): Prepares the body by enhancing flexibility and circulation.
  • Three Dantian Breathing (San Dantian Hatsuki-ho): A method to strengthen the three energy centers of the body.
  • Seated Meditation (Za-Gō): A method of focused breathing and mental training.
  • Takahashi-style Ninja Breathing (Takahashi-shiki Ninja Kokyū-hō): A specialized breathing technique for martial artists.
  • Ki Pressure Method (Ki-Atsu-hō): A technique to regulate and increase the flow of energy.
  • Guiding the Ki (Ki-no-Susō): Techniques to guide and focus the flow of energy.
  • Pole Circulation (Bō-ni Yoru Ryūtsū): A method for training with a pole to circulate ki.
  • Back Guiding (Haimen-no-Susō): A technique that enhances the flow of energy through the back.
  • Bead Dance (Juzu-no-Mai): A dance-like movement technique using prayer beads to guide ki.
  • Breathing & Meridian Throwing (Kokyū Keiraku Nage): Combining breath with meridian pressure for effective throwing techniques.
  • Car Sword Techniques (Kuruma-no-Tachi): Using sword techniques inspired by the motion of a vehicle.
  • Pole Exercise (Bō-Taiso): A movement drill using a pole to train energy flow.
  • Sword Pressure and Meridian Alignment (Ken-ni Yoru Tsubo Kōkō): Using a sword to stimulate pressure points.
  • Zhou Tian Method (Shūten-hō): A circular energy flow technique.
  • Ki-Based Chiropractic (Ki ni Yoru Seitai): Using energy flow for therapeutic adjustment of the body.
  • Pressure Point Techniques (Tsubo-no-Katsuyō Waza): Using pressure points effectively in martial arts.
  • Ki Sensitivity (Ki no Kanjō): Developing sensitivity to the flow of ki.
Language: Japanese

Run time: 40 min.


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