Kendo Promotion Examination: How to Practice to Pass (Easy-to-understand DVD + BOOK)
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Chapter 1 Points that determine pass/fail
Wearing gear
Attacking and striking until the technique is performed
Finishing the strike
Chapter 2 Practice method to create the basics
Re-examination of basic striking movements
Three-point set to improve mental and physical strength
Applying Japanese Kendo Kata to Shinai Kendo
Learn Kendo that uses thrusting techniques to capture the center
Chapter 3 Practice methods to prepare for examinations
Re-examining your own kendo: A step-by-step training method for Degashira Men
Basic pattern practice
Practical pattern practice
Pattern practice in the close area
Final practice
Language: Japanese
Length: 95 page book with 75 min. DVD
Publication date: 2005
Region: All Region