Karate: Ultimate Body Conditioning DVD by Tak Kubota - Budovideos Inc
Karate: Ultimate Body Conditioning DVD by Tak Kubota - Budovideos Inc
Karate: Ultimate Body Conditioning DVD by Tak Kubota - Budovideos Inc
Karate: Ultimate Body Conditioning DVD by Tak Kubota - Budovideos Inc
Karate: Ultimate Body Conditioning DVD by Tak Kubota - Budovideos Inc

空手: 究極のボディ コンディショニング DVD by Tak Kubota

通常価格 $24.95 USD
通常価格 $29.00 USD セールスプライス $24.95 USD
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タク・クボタが戦闘の隠された宝物を初めて明らかにします。古代沖縄の空手の達人が武装した日本の侍を素手で倒すために使用した、手と体の調整の秘密をご覧ください。古代の戦闘条件付けに関して世界で最も知識のある空手の達人、タク・クボタが、彼を凶器にしたトレーニングを詳細に実演します。武道の技術を知ることは基礎にすぎません。手と足のコンディショニングは、岩をも砕くような破壊的な打撃を与えるための次のステップです。これらのエクササイズやトレーニング方法の多くは、これまで一般に公開されたことがありません。 50年以上にわたり、初心者や黒帯は久保田師範の驚くべき型破りなメソッドの恩恵を受けてきました。

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Arthur Grigolia
They should really change

They should really change this DVDs name, the DVD has little to no actuall instruction on body conditioning, it starts off as a brief historic introduction about TAK, shows him doing some early morning stretches (no explination) then it goes through a regular class, nothing special really, after this it skips into an old video of Tak hitting the makiawara board and jumping on his toes, once again no explination as to what this helps with and how to develop it, NOTHING, then it skips again to modern time, to Tak hitting the board in his class, again no explination not even how to make that cool makiawara he has set up there

In the end it was interesting to watch how a karate class is run by a master but Im really disapointed with the way this DVD is marketed, it really makes you think that you will learn some great techniques and even how to build a makiawara but you get none of that here, If your interested to take a look at a great master taking a class, get this, but if you are looking for useable techniques to condition your body for fighting this is not it

Ahmed Zouad
Twenty stars out five

Twenty stars out five. Excellent production and quality in the techniques. I'm very impressed. Highly recommended