Karate - Its History & Practice Book by Asashi Koyama
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Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of karate. This long awaited book - Karate: Its History and Practice - is the ultimate guide to the history and development of karate, co-authored by Koyama Masashi, Wada Koji, and Kadekaru Toru, three leading experts in the Naha and Shuri traditions of karate. Translated into English by Alexander Bennett, a highly respected budo practitioner and researcher, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history and practice of karate.
Karate finally made its debut at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and is gaining worldwide attention on many different levels: as a sport, a vehicle for education, and as a way of life. The release of this book could not be more timely, as it is the ultimate resource for karate practitioners and researchers around the world who have been eagerly waiting for a comprehensive guide to this martial art. Get your hands on this book and explore the fascinating world of karate like never before!
494 pages