Juho Tekkaken DVD by Takashi Torii
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Jūhō Tekkaken: Mastering the Laws of Heaven and Earth to Make All People Masters!
The Ultimate Self-Defense Fist, Combining All the Martial Arts Secrets to Achieve Unbeaten Strength, Now Complete!
"Jūhō Tekkaken" is the culmination of martial arts mastery, created by Takashi Torii, the man who realized the ideal dream sought by all martial artists throughout history:
- "A weak person can defeat a strong one."
- "Neutralize all attacks from the enemy."
- "Completely shut down the enemy's violence without injury."
Torii, a legendary martial artist, has systematized the essence of martial arts in Jūhō Tekkaken, a method that can make anyone a master, regardless of their physical condition or innate ability. Torii himself teaches the methods of this powerful martial art directly in this essential training video, now finally available.
- The Four Pillars of Jūhō
- Diagnosis Method Based on Body Type
- Abdominal Muscle Dominant vs. Back Muscle Dominant Approaches
- Fundamental Teachings of the Root Source
- Shape Guidance Techniques
- Training Exercises for Developing the Jūhō Body
- Basic Training Techniques
- Analysis and Counter-Reflexive Techniques for Applying the Art
Takashi Torii
Torii is renowned for his mastery of martial arts and for realizing the ideal dreams of martial artists throughout history. He has spent his life studying and teaching the deepest, most effective techniques, creating Jūhō Tekkaken to enable anyone to reach their full potential as a martial artist.