Jeet Kune Do Unlimited: A Jeet Kune Do Concepts Guidebook Book by Burton Richardson
A key element of Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do was to look beyond the individual martial arts’ styles to grasp the concepts that bind all martial systems. Burton Richardson, one of the foremost authorities on Lee's art, breaks down the concepts that bind all martial systems so all martial artists can understand this holistic approach to training. With his extensive training in martial arts from around the world including the USA, the Philippines, Japan, China, Hawaii, Brazil, Africa and Europe, Burton breaks down the martial arts realm into the five categories of: ranges, postures, attributes, techniques and training.
Starting with philosophy and tactics, he gives a detailed explanation of the five categories and concludes by showing how these concepts can be applied. Illustrated with hundreds of photographs, the book features demonstrations of how these concepts can be applied in self-defense. This is not a book about a particular system, but about how the individual martial artist can practice more efficiently and with greater understanding.
Length: 137 pages