Jeet Kune Do Basics DVD by Hiro Watanabe
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Introducing the original techniques of Jeet Kune Do for the first time! Master Ted Wong, who spent the longest time as Bruce Lee's workout and sparring partner, and was the only disciple to inherit the nearly perfected Jeet Kune Do in Bruce Lee's later years. Without incorporating elements from other martial arts, Ted Wong dedicated himself to refining Bruce Lee's original techniques over many years, revealing the complete picture of Jeet Kune Do.
Legacy of Jeet Kune Do
- Roots of Jeet Kune Do
- On-Guard Position
- Basic Footwork
- Step and Slide / Push Step / Push Off / Step Through / Burst Step / Shuffle Step / Pendulum Step / Side Step / Carving Step / Triangle Step / Heel and Toe Sway / Replace Step / Bounce Step / Bounce Pendulum / Bounce Carving / Rolling Step / Circling Step / Mirror & Anti-Mirror Drill
Hand Offensive Tools
- Straight Lead / Principle of Punch First / Non-Telegraphic Motion Training / Various Speed Enhancement Training / Finger Jab / Back Fist / Finger Fan / Speed Jab / Corkscrew Hook / Drop Shift / Shovel Hook / Hip Rotation First Principle / Swing Hook / Rear Cross
Foot Offensive Tools
- Groin Kick / Principle of Knee First / Straight Thrust Kick / Hook Kick / Side Kick / Inverted Hook Kick / Slap Sweep Kick
Basic Defensive Techniques
- Catching / Parrying / Blocking / Scooping / Shoving / Protection / Snap Back / Lean Back / Roll Back / Side Slip / Bob and Weave / Duck Under / Defense against Kicks / Defense against Low Kicks / Defense against Mid Kicks
Combinations 1 to 5
Hiro Watanabe
Real name: Kazuhiro Watanabe. Born on April 9, 1959, in Tokyo, Japan. Started practicing karate at the age of 10 in 1969. Influenced by Bruce Lee's movie "Enter the Dragon," he began studying Jeet Kune Do. In 1977, he started training with his friend Hiroshi Araki, who had returned from studying under Dan Inosanto. In 1984, he made his first trip to the USA and received direct teachings from Dan Inosanto and Larry Hartsell, both of whom were Bruce Lee's disciples. In 1986, he received instructor certification from Dan Inosanto and began promoting Jeet Kune Do. In 1992, he left the headquarters school he was affiliated with in the USA. In 1994, he reunited with instructor Mark Stewart during a seminar in Japan. In 1996, through the efforts of Mark Stewart, he began learning true Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do directly from Master Ted Wong. In 2000, he became the first Japanese to receive the official Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do instructor certification from Ted Wong. He annually travels to the USA to receive private lessons focused on sparring and diligently works on enhancing the internal structures crucial to Jeet Kune Do. In the summer of 2010, he received his final private lesson from Master Ted Wong, who certified him personally as having mastered all teachings of Jeet Kune Do. He actively promotes genuine Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do not only in Japan but throughout Asia to advance its legacy.
Language: Japanese
Length: 2 hours