Japan Karatedo Motobuha Shito Rtu Kunibakai DVD 2 by Kozo Kuniba
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From the 1920’s, when the first Soke Choki Motobu known as a legendary master has moved to Kansai area, Motobuha Shitoryu has been established.
The history has been succeeded, and nowadays International President Soke Kozo Kuniba established Kunibakai.
International President Soke Kozo Kuniba keeps to develop “Kunibaryu Goshindo”, the real self-defence techniques which became official subjects at police academy, army, FBI, or CIA.
- Introduction of KUNIBARYU GOSHINDO
- Fook Punch
- Punch effective when the lapels has been held
- Secrets of Ura-Mawashi Toward Straight
- Against Choking
- Toward the use of the bat and the wooden sword
- Toward the attack by two persons of the back and forth
- Toward the attack from three people or more
- Secrets of Karatedo Bunkai of Uke Jiyu Kumite
Language: Japanese & English
Run Time: 54 min.