Iwama Ryu Aikido Book by Paolo Corallini
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This book is the definitive statement about Iwama Ryu Aikido, that is the true Aikido of the founder Morihei Ueshiba as transmitted by the late Morihiro Saito shihan. It reflects both its technique and pedagogy. It is written by Paolo Corallini 7th Dan shihan who was a very close and trusted student of Saito Sensei. It includes the grading syllabus recommended to Corallini Shihan by Sensei. It is a book about the spirit and purpose of Iwama Aikido. This is a first translation into English from the Italian of Paolo Corallini who wrote the original version in 2014.
Contents include:
Chapter 1: Morihei Ueshiba - O Sensei - Aiki Kaiso
Chapter 2: Morihiro Saito Sensei - his training with the founder
Chapter 3: What is Aikido
Chapter 4: What is meant by Iwama Ryu Aikido
Chapter 5: The study of Aikido
Chapter 6: Reigi (etiquette)
Chapter 7: Iwama Ryu technical program
Biography of the Author
Chapter 2: Morihiro Saito Sensei - his training with the founder
Chapter 3: What is Aikido
Chapter 4: What is meant by Iwama Ryu Aikido
Chapter 5: The study of Aikido
Chapter 6: Reigi (etiquette)
Chapter 7: Iwama Ryu technical program
Biography of the Author
About the Author
The author, Paolo Nicola Corallini, Iwama Ryu 7th Dan, Aikikai 7th Dan, is the Technical Director of the Takemusu Aikido Association Italy (https: //www.taai.it/). He translated several works by Morihiro Saito shihan into Italian. Other books include "Takemusu Aikido" (Italian edition) and "The Hermeticist: Interview with Paolo N. Corallini" co-written with Simone Chierchine. Translated by Andy Hathaway 6th Dan Aikikai shihan and close friend of Corallini sensei (https: //thelondonaikidoclub.co.uk/) Co-ordinated by Janice Hemmings 5th Dan Aikikai .
The author, Paolo Nicola Corallini, Iwama Ryu 7th Dan, Aikikai 7th Dan, is the Technical Director of the Takemusu Aikido Association Italy (https: //www.taai.it/). He translated several works by Morihiro Saito shihan into Italian. Other books include "Takemusu Aikido" (Italian edition) and "The Hermeticist: Interview with Paolo N. Corallini" co-written with Simone Chierchine. Translated by Andy Hathaway 6th Dan Aikikai shihan and close friend of Corallini sensei (https: //thelondonaikidoclub.co.uk/) Co-ordinated by Janice Hemmings 5th Dan Aikikai .
Length: 90 pages