Isujiku-Ho: Method of Adjusting Body's Axis Using a Chair DVD by Hajime Nishiyama
$39.95 USD
$59.00 USD
$39.95 USD
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Take a seat and rise effortlessly with the "Quick Body Axis Adjustment Chair Axis Method" – a truly effective body axis adjustment technique that feels almost unbelievable!
<Benefits of the Chair Axis Method>
1. Enhances physical ability
2. Corrects pelvic distortion
3. Cultivates a well-balanced body
Transform the way you stand for a better you!
Born from years of training in traditional martial arts and chiropractic studies, the chair axis method has proven its effectiveness. Recognizing the pivotal role of proper standing, this method not only enhances performance in martial arts and sports but also prevents lower back pain and shoulder stiffness. This instructional DVD introduces the revolutionary "Quick Body Axis Adjustment Chair Axis Method." Follow the steps presented to fine-tune your body axis and discover the optimal way to stand for your unique physique. Join me, Hajime Nishiyama, on this transformative journey and experience the remarkable effects of the chair axis method.
<Benefits of the Chair Axis Method>
1. Enhances physical ability
2. Corrects pelvic distortion
3. Cultivates a well-balanced body
Transform the way you stand for a better you!
Born from years of training in traditional martial arts and chiropractic studies, the chair axis method has proven its effectiveness. Recognizing the pivotal role of proper standing, this method not only enhances performance in martial arts and sports but also prevents lower back pain and shoulder stiffness. This instructional DVD introduces the revolutionary "Quick Body Axis Adjustment Chair Axis Method." Follow the steps presented to fine-tune your body axis and discover the optimal way to stand for your unique physique. Join me, Hajime Nishiyama, on this transformative journey and experience the remarkable effects of the chair axis method.
Language: Japanese
Run time: 56 min.