Invincible: Mental Toughness Techniques for the Street, Battlefields and Playing Fields Book by Sammy Franco
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INVINCIBLE is a treasure trove of time-tested techniques and skills for improving mental toughness in the street, battlefield and playing field. It teaches you how to unlock the true power of your mind and achieve success in activities that demand peak performance.
Invincible: Mental Toughness Techniques for the Street, Battlefield and Playing Field is ideal for:
- Athletes
- High-risk professions such as law enforcement, military service, and private security
- Self-defense students
- Martial artists
- Survivalists and preppers
- Fitness enthusiasts
- And many other activities requiring peak performance
Invincible is a life-changing book packed with practical strategies and proven techniques for mastering your mind, body and spirit! Unlike other mental toughness books, it doesn't bog you down with dry theories, mind-numbing case studies, confusing jargon or pointless anecdotal stories. Instead, it's written in simple, easily understood language, so you can immediately apply the mental toughness techniques and achieve personal success.
In this easy to follow step-by-step program, world-renowned martial arts expert, Sammy Franco takes his 30+ years of research, training and teaching and gives you simple and practical techniques to develop mental toughness and achieve new levels of personal and professional success. In fact, these are the very same techniques that have helped thousands of Franco’s students excel and achieve their personal goals.
- Learn how to acquire the ideal mindset for peak performance
- Learn how to confront, perform and prevail from extreme adversity
- Maximize your performance with the complete mental toughness package
- Learn how to achieve more success with less energy
- Become a more confident and self-disciplined person
- Learn how to develop laser-beam focus and concentration
- Manage and control fear during stressful performance situations
- Learn how to become more assertive and aggressive
- Quickly overcome major obstacles and personal setbacks
- Eliminate anxiety and negative thinking patterns during critical performance events
- Pursue your goals and dreams with a renewed sense of energy and motivation
- Overcome procrastination and inaction
- Learn how to create and personalize your own mental toughness program
- And much more
In this comprehensive mental toughness guide, you’ll also learn step-by-step strategies for dealing with the debilitating fear and anxiety often associated with high-performance situations. Invincible gives you the mental body armor necessary to cope, perform and prevail from all forms of extreme adversity. By studying and practicing the exercises in this book, you will feel a renewed sense of empowerment, enabling you to live life with greater self-confidence and personal freedom.
Sammy Franco is one of the most recognized authorities on reality based self-defense instruction. With over 35 years, he is highly regarded as a leading innovator in both armed and unarmed combatives.
250 pages