Inside the Crucible DVD 4 Close Quarters Shooting & Combative Pistol Skills with Kelly McCann
CONTINUE YOUR EDUCATION in real-world personal security skills with Volume 4 of Kelly McCann's best-selling Inside the Crucible series. In this volume, McCann shows you the secrets of his proven close-range handgun tactics and how to properly integrate combative striking with the use of the firearm.
Through graphic demonstrations using Safe-Shot pistols, McCann first demonstrates the realities of distance and reaction time as they apply to sudden, close-quarters attacks. He then takes you out to the range and leads you and his IPMC students through a progressive series of drills to develop practical, tactically sound close-quarters shooting skills, including the real combat speed rock, shooting from the weapons retention position, flinch shooting, and the secrets of close-range shot placement and stopping power.
Finally, McCann takes the hard-core techniques of his best-selling Combatives series and combines them with his shooting curriculum and a strong dose of street smarts to create a state-of-the-art, integrated close-combat system that includes methods of fouling an attacker's draw, striking and shooting, and the use of the pistol as an impact weapon.
About the Instructor
Kelly McCann is one of Americas foremost experts on personal and corporate security, armed and unarmed combat, and antiterrorist tactics. As the CEO of Crucible Security Specialists, he and his staff have provided security training for audiences ranging from elite U.S. counterterrorist units to Fortune 500 executives.
Length: 1 hour & 20 min.