Iaido Program for Women Book w QR Codes by Shinkage Ryu Association
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Do you know the martial art called Iaido? It is a martial art that uses a sword and is trained primarily through Kata training. Iaido, which is said to have its roots in the Sengoku period, has been passed down to the present day and remains one of Japan's proud traditional martial arts.
At Shinkage Ryu, we practice Iaido every day as a martial art to become stronger.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable deterioration in public safety, with an increase in violent crimes targeting women. Reflecting this social situation, it seems that women are also becoming more interested in becoming strong. Women need to be strong. Why not learn Shinkage-ryu Iaido and aim to become a strong woman?
Of course, it is not possible to improve your skills in Shinkage-ryu Iaido overnight. Over a long period of time, students will slowly develop the basics and acquire skills. That's why you can acquire it as a solid ability.
Many women choose to learn iaido as a way to gain strength both physically and mentally. I hope that this book will serve as an opportunity to do so.
Language: Japanese
Length: 95 pages
Published in 2018