How to Master Chen Style Tai Chi DVD by Hoshihiko Hori
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Explore the essence of Tai Chi as a martial arts fighter delves into the realms of "power and Qi" under the guidance of an official Tai Chi practitioner. Uncover the secrets of the four powers of Tai Chi through this groundbreaking instructional program that is designed for mastery!
Featuring insights from renowned Tai Chi instructor Hitoshi Hori and martial arts fighter Katsunori Kikuno, this unique offering unravels the complexities of "Ki and Ki," often regarded as elusive in Tai Chi. The fundamental theory and tactile experiences are elucidated based on the principle of "learning through direct experience."
Join a special training session with official Tai Chi teacher Yoshihiko Hori, where the basic concepts are carefully demystified. Special participants, including martial arts fighter Katsunori Kikuno, make this content accessible for beginners and enthusiasts from various disciplines, providing an immediate entry point into the world of Tai Chi.
Embark on a journey to grasp the four powers of Tai Chi—Pong, Liu, Ji, and An—with this comprehensive and approachable instructional resource.