How to do Yi Jin Jing Effectively DVD by Takehisa Okabe
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The best way to stay healthy.
This training method is said to have been passed down to the Shaolin Temple.
Experience the transformative power of slow breathing and core stimulation with the Iji Ching method. Developed by Bodhidharma, the legendary founder of Zen, during his time at Mount Shaolin Temple, these twelve exercise methods offer a path to a healthier and stronger body.
Through deliberate, slow breathing techniques, the Iji Ching method engages the core muscles deeply, targeting the abdomen and armpits. Unlike conventional workouts that rely on vigorous movements, this training method focuses on isometric muscle contractions. By exerting force without altering muscle length, it not only strengthens internal organs and improves cardiopulmonary function but also enhances muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
Unlock the potential to transform your body from within. Embrace the Iji Ching method and discover a new level of physical and mental well-being.
Language: Japanese
Run Time: 1 hour & 7 min.