Hiko Ryu Kodachi Book by Koshiro Tanaka (Hardcover)
Hiko Ryu Kodachi Book by Koshiro Tanaka (Hardcover)

Hiko Ryu Kodachi Book by Koshiro Tanaka (Hardcover)

通常価格 $79.95 USD
通常価格 $99.95 USD セールスプライス $79.95 USD


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Hiko-ryu Kodachi Techniques (Sudden Attack; Stance; Cutback; Three Attacks; Fukuro-shinai; Practice Swings); About the Hiko-ryu Kodachi (Hiko-ryu Kodachi My Style; Hiko-ryu Mental Preparation; The Theory of the Hiko-ryu Kodachi); Hiko-ryu Kodachi Handling (Left Handling; Right Handling; Shadow; Muto; Shishi-bo; Short Sword Handling; Swinging Down; Actual Combat; Ido-tori; Ken-zai; Fist; Fan); Reference for the Hiko-ryu Kodachi Techniques (Standing Meditation; Swaying Body Walk; Yo-ki Breathing Method; Fists, Hand Swords; Professor Hirayama Gyozo)

About the Instructor:

Born in Tagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture in 1940. He has been familiar with martial arts since childhood, and has developed his own unique martial arts based on his experiences in judo, kendo, karate, and other martial arts. In 1984, he felt righteous indignation at the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and joined the Islamic holy warriors Mujahideen alone. He fought on the front lines of the volunteer army for a total of more than six years. In 1991, he inherited the Fuji-ryu head of the school from Mr. Fujito Koga. At the 1994 Hiroshima Asian Games, he fought alone and invited 30 athletes and officials from Afghanistan. In 2003, he also participated in a human shield in Baghdad. In 2008, he established his own style, "Hiko-ryu," which has its roots in traditional Japanese sword, stick, and short sword techniques, and has been teaching the next generation as a master to this day.

248 pages

Language: Japanese

Published in 2023

Hiko Ryu Kodachi Book by Koshiro Tanaka (Hardcover)

Hiko Ryu Kodachi Book by Koshiro Tanaka (Hardcover)

通常価格 $79.95 USD
通常価格 $99.95 USD セールスプライス $79.95 USD

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Jim Risinger

Great resource material for my martial training.