Hiden Budo & Bujutsu Magazine Nov 2024
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This issue of Hiden includes articles on:
The leg techniques that conquered Athens, the grappling techniques that shocked Paris, and Kano's hand techniques—how exactly do Judo techniques work!?
Feature Article
[Hand Techniques, Leg Techniques, Grappling Techniques] A Comprehensive Study of Judo Techniques According to Principles
Chapter 1: Leg Techniques
Keiiji Suzuki (KJA Keiiji Suzuki Judo Academy)
The secrets of the leg techniques that dominated the world—the "Suzuki Style" -
Chapter 2: Hand and Hip Techniques
Tadayuki Sato (Lecturer, Waseda University School of Sport Sciences)
The refined principle of "floating" created through body movement -
Chapter 3: Grappling Techniques
Hirokazu Takamoto (Judoka/BJJ Practitioner, Takamoto Dojo)
Techniques for mastering ground grappling through step-by-step procedures -
Chapter 4: "Technique" Character Analysis
Taigi Tajima (Kūki-Nage [Air Throw] Researcher)
Analyzing the single characters of Judo techniques! -
Column: Toshinari Masuda (Author of Shichitei Judo-ki)
The real martial art philosophy of Judokas who "want to win"
Cover Interview
This month's "Hiden Figure"!
Shinobi Design Project: Kiyoshi Saito
The "art" and "way" of Ninja Parkour
Special Features & Serial Articles
Mugairyu Hougyokukai: Takeda Hougyoku
Real combat forms of Iaido that can cut -
Crime Victim Consultation Center: Kazuto Kato
A bodyguard "professional" teaches the three pillars of crime prevention and self-defense -
Yannick Schulze's Exploration of Okinawan Karate History #4
Kenchu Yabu (1927 in Honolulu) & Motoku Yabiku (1951 in São Paulo)
Two demonstrations of Okinawan Karate abroad -
Daito-Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu Kodokan: Grandmaster Takemitsu Koga
Open hands and divine energy—the explosion of light! -
[Short Series] Taikyokuken Mukeijuku: Hideyuki Ikeda
"New Interpretations of the Taikyokuken Sutra" Episode 1: The Three Principles of Technique -
90th Anniversary Celebration of the Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Federation
"Mikata of Wado-Ryu Karate" by the founder, Hironori Otsuka -
Hisugen Kato
What lies beyond the denial of muscle movement—the inner body's connections
"Ligament Training" to activate all ligaments -
Spear Summit in Owari Nagoya!
A joint demonstration and hands-on experience of four classical spear martial arts schools -
American Kobudo Practitioner: Gray Robert
From the temple to the dojo! The influence of Zen on "Samurai and Martial Arts" -
Founder of Kankoji-Ryu Jujutsu: Kunio Yasue
Opening new frontiers in martial arts and combat sports with "CHUCK-Arts" -
Dialogue: Shiro Omiya × Nobuyuki Hirakami
The history of Aiki-Jujutsu and the secrets of martial arts in the Taisho Era -
Yusuke Sasaki
Analyzing the master's body "Final Episode: Nao Yukihira" -
Institute of Movement Science: Hideo Takaoka
How martial arts science drives the super-evolution of sports -
Nanba-Jutsu Association Chief Master: Tatsuhiko Yano
Physical revolution through Japan's traditional Nanba-jutsu -
International Suigetsu-Juku Martial Arts Association: Jun Osano
The secrets of atemi (striking vital points) in classical jujutsu -
Akira Hino
"Martial Artist's Footpath" -
Tei Nomoto
The principles of "Yawarano Jutsu" in the Horikawa-style Daito-Ryu - Hiden Journal
Language: Japanese