Hiden Budo & Bujutsu Magazine April 2025

Hiden Budo & Bujutsu Magazine April 2025

通常価格 $12.99 USD
通常価格 $19.00 USD セールスプライス $12.99 USD


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This issue of Hiden includes articles on:

Here's the revised translation:

Acquire the "One-Strike Crush" Steel Fists and Feet! What is the Essence of Karate's "Weaponization of Bare Hands and Feet"!?

Special Feature: "One-Strike Crush" - The Aspiration to Obtain Steel Fists and Feet, Human Body Weaponization and Its Inevitability, Breaking Techniques

◎ Hiroto Okazaki (Kyokushin Kan) Seeing the Origin of Karate in "Breaking Techniques"!

◎ Karate-do Shobu-kai The Essence of Training Revealed by "Breaking Techniques Master" Teiji Fujimoto

◎ Park Jung-hyun (Taekwondo Paran Park Martial Arts) Taekwondo - Pride in Technique's Power

◎ Uechi-ryu Karate-do Promotion Association Shubu-kan "Breaking Techniques" are Not Just Attacks - Uechi-ryu Karate's "Training Pride"

Featured Interview of the Month's "Secret Personality"! Manuel Tardits (Architect, Former French Savate Champion) The "Interpersonal Philosophy" Underlying Architecture and Savate

Special Project and Series: ● [Series] Visiting the "Reiwa God Hand" by Body Theorist Yasushi Fujimoto! Part 3 Akihiro Kon of Sendai Seitai Medical Institute: "Three-Axis Manipulation and Bending, Gravity"

● Traveling Seitai -Aspiration- / Yuji Uchida Approaching the Fundamental Body Part: "Periosteal Stretching"

(... and several more sections covering various martial arts, techniques, and historical perspectives)

Language: Japanese

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