Hiden Budo & Bujutsu Magazine April 2024
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This issue of Hiden includes articles on:
Special feature
How to acquire “penetrating power”
A physical revolution learned from long weapons!!
◎Part 1: Budan Japan Branch Masaru Oyanagi
Li Shuwen mastered the launch of the six-height spear
◎Part 2: Ye Wei-ha Liang Sang-based Wing Chun Kung Fu Niibe Satoshi
“Torso strength” cultivated by the six-point half-stick
◎Part 3 Mr. Chen Tai Chi by Yosuke Yasuda
Benefits of the Shunju Taisword for training Kinsei-kei
◎Part 4: Xu Shikiyi Quan, Six Goes and Eight Laws, Xu Jie Hua
Approach to Yiken Station through the great stick
◎Column Owari Kanryū Spear Jutsu Daisuke Akabane
The true value of the Owari throughflow guided by Nimayari
Language: Japanese