Heiho Okugisho: The Secret of High Strategy Book by Kansuke Yamamoto & Translated by Toshishiro Obata (Preowned)
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Heiho Okugisho: The secret of high strategy is a translation of a classical martial text written by Yamamoto Kansuke (1493-1561) and translated by the descendant of the man who later compiled a larger, more famous work called the Koyogunkan , Toshishiro Obata. Obata is a former student of Gozo Shioda, founder of the Yoshinkan, and he presently lives in the Los Angeles area where he teaches swordsmanship and a number of other arts. He is also involved in martial arts films and uses his budo skills to good effect in this endeavor The book is a full-sized reproduction of the 1804 edition and is one of a number of very interesting titles available from W.M. Hawley Publications, who have long published works of value to people interested in Japanese swords and other weapons. The translators have provided the original text and illustrations on the right-hand pages and the equivalent in English (again, with the illustrations) on the left in a manner akin to many scholarly books. For those able to read Japanese, this provides an immediate means of checking the translation with the original, a very helpful thing to be sure.
1: Ganryu no Maki (What Strategy Is)
2: Zu no Maki (Techniques)
3: Jinri no Maki (Mind, Spirit, Body)
4: Chiri no Maki (Use of the Terrain)
5: Tenri no Maki (Nature’s Cycles)
First printed in 1994
Language: English & Japanese
400 pages