Hapkido: The Korean Martial Art of Self Defense Book by Hui Son Choe (Preowned)
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The Korean Art of Self Defense. A fully illustrated book on the Martial Art of Hap Ki Do. Filled with over 400 photographs. Designed to show Hap Ki Do in a easy to follow step by step method for the beginner. Included are close-up photos of various wristlocks, arrows to show certain steps and minimal wording on the steps, to make this book very easy to follow. The large format (8.5 x 11) also makes this book easy to read and handle.
The Hap Ki Do practitioner diverts or suppresses an attackers flow of energy peacefully, this diversion allows him to use the attackers power against himself leading to the attacker's defeat. Through the use of certain skeletal joints and pressure points, very little strength is needed to overcome an opponent.
157 pages