Hapkido: A Guide to Black Belt Studies Book by Hui Son Choe (Preowned)
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Teacher, Warrior, Master Choe continues his outstanding series of books on the Korean Martial Art of Hap Ki Do. Hap Ki Do is a discipline of coordination, a way of strengthening the mind and body, of fusing the individuals physical and mental powers so that he or she will emerge as a more fully integrated human being. Master Choe has beautifully intertwined theory and philosophy along with basic and advanced self defense techniques in this third book Hap Ki Do: A Guide To Black Belt Studies. Over 400 photographs of unparalleled clarity and rich text illustrating joint lock, throwing and finishing techniques. Realizing the student studying to be a black belt is eager to learn the many techniques to test for Black Belt Master Choe turns his focus on the theory and philosophy of Hap Ki Do suggesting to the student to think and establish a martial moral philosophy as well as practicing Hap Ki Do techniques. The student of martial arts or student of life will relish in every word of wisdom that takes them to a deeper understanding of their own style and moral philosophy.
192 pages