Goju Ryu Bunkai Kumite DVD by Seikichi Toguchi
Goju Ryu Bunkai Kumite DVD by Seikichi Toguchi

Goju Ryu Bunkai Kumite DVD by Seikichi Toguchi

通常価格 $39.95 USD
通常価格 $59.00 USD セールスプライス $39.95 USD


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Discover a training method that breathes new life into the art of karate.

From the roots of kumite emerges kata, born out of the crucible of battle...

Enter the realm of Okinawa Goju-ryu karate under the guidance of the esteemed Reverend Masakichi Toguchi.

According to him, kata and kumite complement each other, each offering insights into attack and defense techniques.

Master Toguchi devised the "Eight Disassembled Kumites" to bridge the gap between theory and practice, a vital step in mastering the fundamentals necessary for real combat scenarios.

This invaluable practice method received further refinement from Reverend Yoshio Kuba - a trusted disciple of Reverend Toguchi.

Now, Goryukan teacher Tetsuji Sato, himself a student of Master Kuba,
Elaborates on these techniques in two comprehensive volumes.
Embark on a journey through the heart of karate tradition,
As you delve into the essence of kata and kumite,
Unraveling the secrets of combat mastery with each step.

Language: Japanese

Run Time: 53 min.


Goju Ryu Bunkai Kumite DVD by Seikichi Toguchi

Goju Ryu Bunkai Kumite DVD by Seikichi Toguchi

通常価格 $39.95 USD
通常価格 $59.00 USD セールスプライス $39.95 USD

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