Goju Ryu Bunkai Kumite DVD 2 by Tetsuji Sato
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Training Method to Breathe Life into Karate Kata
Kata is born from kumite, and kumite is born from combat...
These words come from Seikichi Toguchi, a master of Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate.
The training method that Master Toguchi devised to learn the offensive and defensive techniques of kata through paired practice, and to build the foundation necessary for advancing to practical techniques, is known as the "Eight Bunkai Kumite" (paired practice based on kata).
This valuable training method has been further refined by one of Master Toguchi's top students, Yoshio Kuba. In this two-volume DVD, Tetsuji Sato, a master of the Go-Ryu-Kan who learned directly from Kuba, provides a detailed explanation of these methods.
Note: This method involves practicing all elements of the kata in paired offensive and defensive drills.
[Volume 2: Tsuruha Edition]
In this second volume, the DVD focuses on kata movements that incorporate the "Chinkuchi" and techniques connected to traditional kata, explained through four different bunkai kumite.
Gekisai Dai San
- [Kata Demonstration]
- [Bunkai Kumite Demonstration]
- [Key Points of Bunkai Kumite]
- Up and down movements
- Opposite side movements
- [Solo Demonstration – Attack]
- [Solo Demonstration – Defense]
- [Key Points of Solo Demonstration] (Development of Chinkuchi)
- [Expansion into Ura Bunkai]
- Circular block
- Arc of the circular fist
Gekisai Dai Ichi
- [Kata Demonstration]
- [Bunkai Kumite Demonstration]
- [Key Points of Bunkai Kumite] (Sweeping block)
- [Solo Demonstration – Attack]
- [Solo Demonstration – Defense]
- [Key Points of Solo Demonstration] (Continuous attacks)
- [Expansion into Ura Bunkai] (Knife-hand strike)
Gekisai Dai Ni
- [Kata Demonstration]
- [Bunkai Kumite Demonstration]
- [Key Points of Bunkai Kumite] (Variation of punching hand)
- [Solo Demonstration – Attack]
- [Solo Demonstration – Defense]
- [Key Points of Solo Demonstration]
- Differences from Gekisai Dai Ichi
- Pulling hand during a punch
- [Expansion into Ura Bunkai]
- Sanchin's punch
- Twisting
- [Kata Demonstration]
- [Bunkai Kumite Demonstration]
- [Key Points of Bunkai Kumite]
- Importance of Kuritsuki (Sweeping block) ①
- How to block with an elbow strike
- Importance of Kuritsuki ②
- [Solo Demonstration – Attack]
- [Solo Demonstration – Defense]
- [Key Points of Solo Demonstration]
- Position of the pulling hand
- Trajectory of Nukite and eye strike
- [Expansion into Ura Bunkai] (Nukite and Kekkoken)
Reference: The Second Tsuruha Kata
Instructor & Supervisor: Tetsuji Sato
Born in 1971. Shizuoka Prefecture Branch Chief of the Okinawan Karate-do Kenpo Kai. Gouryukan Dojo Director. Instructor of Gouju-ryu Kenpo. After studying mainland karate, he trained under Kyo Kura and Takahiro Shinjo, masters of the ancient Gouju-ryu Kenpo of Okinawa. Author of books such as "The Mystery of Karate" and "Super Close Combat Techniques of Okinawan Karate," and DVDs like "Training Methods to Utilize Kata" and "Solving with Gouju-ryu! Shurite and Hakutei's Naihanchi".
Language: Japanese
Run Time: 53 min.