God Technique! Taikiken Volume 3: Kumite DVD by Norimasa Iwama
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Instantaneous Response upon Contact — Pursuing Invincible Taiki Fist in Combat!
Taiki Shisei Kenpo (Taiki Fist), known for its innovative training methods and practical techniques, has captured the attention of many martial artists and combat sports practitioners. Grandmaster Norimasa Iwama, who has been granted the highest rank of seventh dan instructor by the founder Kenichi Sawai, meticulously guides through a three-volume DVD series. His teachings, which eliminate ambiguity and clarify objectives, methods, and techniques, are valuable not only to Taiki Fist practitioners but also to a wide range of martial artists and combat sports enthusiasts.
DVD Volume 3: Mastery of Techniques and Advanced Concepts
Push Hands Kumite (推手組手) — Refining Responses upon Contact
- Push Hands Sumo
- Push Hands Kumite
Kumite (組手) — Artistry in Sparring
- Kumite 1 (Ryusei Koyanagi [5th dan Renshi] vs. Kenji Hatta [7th dan instructor])
- Kumite 2 (Ryusei Koyanagi [5th dan Renshi] vs. Hiroyuki Hosoya [4th dan])
- Kumite 3 (Toru Kato [5th dan Renshi] vs. Hiroyuki Hosoya [4th dan])
- Kumite 4 (Ryusei Koyanagi [5th dan Renshi] vs. Kenji Uemura [5th dan Renshi])
- Kumite 5 (Kenji Uemura [5th dan Renshi] vs. Kenji Hatta [7th dan instructor])
- Kumite 6 (Shigeharu Kobayashi [4th dan] vs. Hiroyuki Hosoya [4th dan])
- Kumite 7 (Yukio Ito [6th dan Renshi] vs. Fumihiko Sakata [5th dan Renshi])
- Demonstration Kumite by Grandmaster Iwama
Points in Cross-Disciplinary Matches
- Against Boxing
- Against Martial Arts Predominantly Using Kicks
- Against Gracie Jiu-Jitsu
Ki (気) Principles
- Standing Zen → Swinging
- Half Zen and its Application
- Exploring the Sensory Hand
Shinpo (身法) — Creating Agile Body Movement
- Ball Rotation Exercise
- Front and Rear Body Movement
- Hand Movement (Ken Te) → Circular Hand Movement (Ken Te)
- Shoulder Movement (Ken Te)
- Leg Movement (Ken Te)
- Neck Movement (Ken Te)
Theories of Divine Fist (神拳)
- Analysis of Techniques by Masters Wang Xiangxi and Guo Yunshen
Language: Japanese