God Technique! Taikiken Volume 2: Pushing Hands DVD by Norimasa Iwama
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Unleashing the Power of Hands Instantaneously — Pursuing Invincible Taiki Fist in Combat!
Taiki Shisei Kenpo (Taiki Fist), renowned for its innovative training methods and rational techniques, has garnered attention from numerous martial artists and combat sports practitioners. In this series, Grandmaster Norimasa Iwama, who holds the highest rank of seventh dan instructor bestowed by the founder Kenichi Sawai, meticulously guides through three volumes. His teachings, which clarify objectives, methods, and techniques without ambiguity, benefit not only practitioners of Taiki Fist but also a broad spectrum of martial artists and combat sports enthusiasts.
DVD Volume 2: Instantaneous Techniques and Advanced Training
Striking (打拳) — Applying Full Body Weight Instantaneously
- Regular Punches in Taiki Fist
- Uppercut Strikes
- Hooks in Taiki Fist
- Drumming Strikes
- Downward Strikes
Kicking (蹴り) — Utilizing as the Third Hand
- Low Kicks
- Front Kicks
- Knee Strikes (2 types)
Push Hands (推手) — Relative Training
- Basic Training Methods
- Stationary Push Hands — Linking hand pressure with knees and waist
- Parallel Push Hands 1 — Coordinating hand pressure with footwork
- Parallel Push Hands 2 — Enhancing wrist sensitivity and coordination
- Instantaneous Push Hands — Reacting the moment of contact
- Various entries: frontal, upper frontal, open, bouncing
- Changes and Attacks from Push Hands
- Various changes and attacks from frontal pushes, upper frontal pushes, open pushes, bouncing pushes
- Flow of Attack from Contact
- Right hand (contact) → Right hand (control) → Left hand (attack)
- Right hand (contact) → Left hand (control) → Right hand (attack)
- Body Push Hands — Full-body response after being engaged
- Basic Training Methods
Guidance and Supervision by: Norimasa Iwama
Born in 1975 in Ibaraki Prefecture, Norimasa Iwama grew up with a fondness for martial arts from childhood. He studied Kendo in junior high school and Judo in high school. During his university years, he began learning Taiki Shisei Kenpo (Taiki Fist) under the founder, Kenichi Sawai, and was granted the highest rank of seventh dan instructor by the grandmaster. With experience in various inter-school matches, he currently guides and instructs juniors based on his teachings. He is the chief instructor of Shorin-ryu Karate.