Everything in Your Body Moves! Muscle Meridian Adjustment Technique Book by Naoyuki Taira
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"Samurai Method Yawari: The Body's Root Transformation Technique Born from Martial Arts! A Secret Art to Connect Muscles and Activate the Whole Body in One Movement"
This book by Naoyuki Taira introduces a method to improve physical performance and relieve chronic ailments by connecting the muscles and promoting the natural flow of movement. The focus is on reactivating natural, animal-like movement patterns that are often lost due to the conveniences of modern life. The "Samurai Method" emphasizes how to engage the body as a whole, moving away from isolated muscle movements to a more holistic approach, reflecting principles derived from martial arts.
The contents of the book guide readers through exercises that enhance coordination and flexibility, helping to reconnect the body's muscle systems. It also addresses how modern environments have hindered natural movements, and the book provides techniques to restore physical balance and functionality.
About the Author:
Naoyuki Taira, born in 1963 in Miyagi Prefecture, was a professional fighter during the early days of mixed martial arts and is known as the model for the protagonist Baki Hanma from the manga Grappler Baki. Taira has written books like Real Fight Jiu-Jitsu and The Treasure Island of Body Sensation, and has appeared in many martial arts-related videos.
Length: 192 pages
Language: Japanese
Publication date: 2017